Dutch Oven Gatherings, Outdoor Campfire Cooking & Camping
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Dutch Oven Gathering

Southeast Camper is Alive and Well

Itā€™s been a while since our last update. We are alive and well.

As many of you know Facebook has become the ā€œGo to Placeā€ for information about our Dutch Oven Group and our Dutch Oven Gatherings schedule.

We met on February 6th for our Cabin Fever Dutch Oven Gathering to kick the year off. The weather cooperated with us for a nice partly sunny day that hit the mid 60ā€™s. The week before had us worried as it poured pretty dang hard.

The Southeast Camper Cabin Fever Dutch Oven Gathering attracted over 50 cooks and guest with 38 recipes made in our cast iron black pots. The menu was abounding with everything you could want; nobody goes away hungry.


Our next event is the first weekend in April. The Southeast Camper Dutch Oven Group (Charlotte, NC) will hook up with The Old Dominion Iron Chefs (Richmond, VA) for the NC-VA 2 state DOG. We will be camping at Jordan Lake in the Parkers Creek Camping Area, Loop 2. We will have a Pot Luck Dinner Friday Night with the Big DOG Saturday at Shelter #1 in the Seaforth Area. We like to meet about 8 am for a Meetā€™nā€™Greet along with breakfast. A few with make snacks and test recipes during the day. The main buffet will be at 4 pm right at the shelter. Afterwards we will have a drawing for some door prizes.

Get your gear ready along with your favorite recipe for an afternoon of outdoor cooking fun and fellowship.

We hope to see you at a Dutch Oven Gathering around the Carolina’s.


Southeast Camper “Spring DOG” Dutch Oven Gathering 2015

We had our first Dutch Oven Gathering in February, the “Cabin Fever DOG” at Andrew Jackson State Park in South Carolina. The weather was good and the food was better, you would have never guessed by the picture that it was winter time.


Now that Spring Time is here, most of you should have your Dutch ovens spruced up and heading outside for some great weekend fun. The NC-VA 2 State DOG upon us this weekend, it is shaping up to be a Big DOG. We have a lot of coming that are new to Dutch Oven cooking.

This year is not going to be any different than the last year except for the addition of more friends that we met on our travels camping n cooking.

A Dutch Oven Gathering should not be stressful, it is time well spent with good friends while sharing a meal. Though it is fun to pull off a great recipe that everyone liked and your pot is empty (a quick WooHoo is optional).

This is our BIG DOG of the year. There is plenty of room for camping and the shelter has plenty of space for us to spread out and enjoy ourselves.


Stay Tuned for more,

Southeast Camper Dutch Oven Group

What’s Cooking?
How do we know when its done?
We use the smell test.
When it smells done, its done.
When it smells burnt, its burnt
When you can't smell it,
its not done.
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