Dutch Oven Gatherings, Outdoor Campfire Cooking & Camping
Kings Mtn Dutch Oven Gathering Kings Mtn Dutch Oven Gathering

NDOG 2024

National Dutch Oven Gathering 2024

We arrived back home from the National Dutch Oven Gathering 2024 in Indiana. It was a fun filled week of cooking in our Dutch Ovens and trying new recipes to surprise our friends. We have made many new friends since our 1st NDOG in 2013 at DeGray Lake, Arkansas. The folks are laid back and easy going which keeps us looking forward to the next one.

What is also fun about the National Dutch Oven Gatherings are the areas where they are held. They are in areas rich in history and beautiful scenery adding to the joy of attending. The National Dutch Oven Gathering for 2024 was in Mitchell, Lawerence County, Indiana, famous for its limestone and astronauts. Check it out, you will be surprised.

We will keep this letter short and let you hop over to the photo album where you will be visually excited. We had 17 State Flags flying from 26 States.

Happy Cooking,
Dan Milam
Southeast Camper Dutch Oven Group

What’s Cooking?
How do we know when its done?
We use the smell test.
When it smells done, its done.
When it smells burnt, its burnt
When you can't smell it,
its not done.
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