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National Dutch Oven Gathering 2013 DeGray Lake Arkansas

The 10th National Dutch Oven Gathering is now a memory. Thanks to the Central Arkansas Dutch Oven Group a well planned and wonderful time. Now it's on to Iowa in 2014 for the next National.

Mile High Dutch Oven Gathering 2013

We had a lot of rain this summer and the mountains near Maggie Valley, NC were no different. We were in a haze most of the weekend with minimal sunshine, but that did not matter, we were among friends and ready to cook.

Spring Dutch Oven Gathering 2013 Kings Mountain

The weather was good on Friday and by Saturday afternoon is became a a wet day of cooking. We were prepared and w\e went on with our day of cooking and fellowship. If our count was right, we had 24 black pots and 18 cooks. This includes the buffet and snacks for the whole day. What a Great Weekend!

NC-VA 2 State Dutch Oven Gathering 03-16-13

The Southeast Camper Dutch Oven Group and The Old Dominion Iron Chefs met at Falls Lake Recreation Area near Durham, NC for this Dutch Oven Gathering. We hope to make this an annual event. March 16, 2013. 29 Black Pot were consumed over the weekend.

Kings Mountain "Cabin Fever" Dutch Oven Gathering 02-09-13

The Southeast Camper "Cabin Fever" Dutch Oven Gathering was a day to get out of the house. The weather was beautiful for February.

Kings Mountain "Freeze DOG" Dutch Oven Gathering 11-10-12

The Southeast Camper "Freeze" DOG (Dutch Oven Gathering) November 10, 2012. It turned out to be a "Nice Warm" DOG with temperatures hitting the mid 70's.

Lake Norman Dutch Oven Gathering 2012

Southeast Camper Fall Dutch Oven Gathering. We had some rain , but overall we had a great time. 10 cooks and 15 black pots. September 28, 2012
The gang getting ready to eat

Mile High Campground 2012

Just camping to cook! We meet Michael & Claudia for a quiet weekend. August 18, 2012

Mile High Dutch Oven Gathering 2012

Cooking at a Mile High is a lot of fun. The gathering had 30 cooks and 67 black pot. July 29, 2012

Kings Mountain Summer Dutch Oven Gathering 2012

The Southeast Camper Red, White and Blue Summer Dutch Oven Gathering. July 14, 2012

Kings Mountain Spring Dutch Oven Gathering 2012

The 1st Southeast Camper Dutch Oven Gathering as an IDOS Chapter on April 28, 2012
Enjoying the fellowship and Great Food.
What’s Cooking?
How do we know when its done?
We use the smell test.
When it smells done, its done.
When it smells burnt, its burnt
When you can't smell it,
its not done.
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