Dutch Oven Gatherings, Outdoor Campfire Cooking & Camping
Kings Mtn Dutch Oven Gathering Kings Mtn Dutch Oven Gathering

Dutch Oven

Mountain Man Breakfast

This meals is very easy and a good one to try if you’re a beginner.


1 lb. Bacon
1 large Onion
1 large Bell Pepper
1½ cups Mushrooms (fresh or jar)
3 cloves Garlic, minced
8-10 Medium Potatoes, sliced thin, diced or grated
12 Eggs, beaten
Salt and Pepper
3 cups, Grated Cheddar Cheese

Heat 12″ Dutch oven with 8 or 9 briquettes on bottom until hot. Cut bacon into 1″ sections. Add bacon to Dutch oven and cook until brown and drain. Remember to rotate Dutch oven to even out hot spots. Wipe out excess fat, but leave a little fat for the next step. Add onion, mushrooms, bell pepper and sauté until onions are translucent. Remove Dutch oven from coals. Add potatoes and season to taste, stir to combine. Place oven over 5 briquettes, 4 in a ring and 1 in center. Cover and ring the lid with coals all the way around. Bake for 30 minutes, rotate oven and lid during cooking to even out heating. Sprinkle bacon over potatoes. Beat eggs and season. Pour eggs over bacon and potatoes. Cover and bake another 20 minutes. When eggs are done, Remove all coals, add cheese and replace lid. Let stand until cheese is melted. The Dutch oven will hold its heat for another 20 minutes or more.

Serve with picante sauce or your favorite toppings.

Serves: 6

Mountain Man Breakfast

The variations are endless for this type of dish. The bacon can be replaced with sausage, hot or mild. You could use frozen hash brown and the hash browns with the onion and bell pepper already in it. Almost any vegetable could be used, what do you like? Go for it, anything is possible.

“This is one of those dishes that we have every time we camp out or have friends over for Sunday Brunch in the backyard. Oh, so easy and a pleaser.”

I hope you like it, Camp Master

What’s Cooking?
How do we know when its done?
We use the smell test.
When it smells done, its done.
When it smells burnt, its burnt
When you can't smell it,
its not done.
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