Southeast Camper Dutch Oven Group

Dutch Oven Gatherings, Outdoor Campfire Cooking & Camping

Kings Mtn Dutch Oven Gathering Kings Mtn Dutch Oven Gathering

Southeast Camper Dutch Oven Group Schedule 2013

Hi Everyone,

We had more Dutch Oven Gatherings last year than in years past and it turned out to be one of our best years yet. The group is growing slowly as the word gets out and the feedback that we have received has been very positive.

We would like to “THANK” everybody that joined us last year. We hope to have an equally good year in 2013.

Kings Mountain State Park in South Carolina is about as close to center, geographically, for the majority of our group plus the park has reached out to us making us feel welcome. We will have most of our gatherings there.

Below are dates Southeast Camper Dutch Oven Group have scheduled and possible dates we would like to schedule in 2013. “Bold Dates & Headings” are scheduled and shelters have been acquired, so mark your calendars and join us. For those folks who have cooked with us know that we are laid back and flexible about dates and times. Feel free to contact us with any suggestions.

02/09/2013 – Southeast Camper “Cabin Fever” Dutch Oven Gathering

This weekend is perfect for a meet up. A quiet weekend stuck between the Super Bowl on Feb 3rd and the start of NASCAR on Feb 16th (Bud Shoot Out), so why not have a Dutch Oven Gathering. We will stick to our tried and true game plan and meet at Kings Mountain State Park in South Carolina at Shelter #1. Meet around 10 AM and commence to cooking with the Cast Iron Buffet at 3 PM. Please bring a log or two for the community fireplace.

03/16/2013 – 1st Annual NC-VA 2 State DOG (Dutch Oven Gathering)

Join Us at Falls Lake State Recreation Area near Durham, North Carolina.

This Dutch Oven Gathering should be a BIG one, Two International Dutch Oven Society Chapters cooking together. The Old Dominion Iron Chefs of Richmond, Virginia and The Southeast Camper Dutch Oven Group of Charlotte, North Carolina will be teaming up for a camp and cook weekend. The shelter has a fireplace to keep us warm, if the weather does not cooperate. Please bring a few logs for the community fire.

The Dutch Oven Gathering will be at Shelter 22 in the Beaver Dam area of the park and camping is available in Holly Point. Some of us have made reservations on Loop 2 at the campground. This park seems to be filling up fast.

Cook with Us and Support your Local Chapter.

04/27/2013 – 2nd Annual Southeast Camper Spring Dutch Oven Gathering

Our Annual Spring Dutch Oven Gathering will be at Kings Mountain State Park in South Carolina. Most everyone has heard of this one, Get your reservations made for another camping and cooking weekends. The weather has warmed up and it time to get outside. Dust off your gear and join us. Shelter #1 has been reserved. Camping with hook ups is available. This will be our 5th year cooking and 2nd as an IDOS chapter, let’s give the folks at Kings Mountain a Special “Thank You” for helping us.

06/22/2013 – Southeast Camper Summer DOG

We would like to have a Dutch Oven Gathering on the eastside of Charlotte to help expand our group. We thought about North Cabarrus Park? It is a small park with 2 shelters. It is a small city park, no camping. The park is minutes off I-85, exit 55. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

07/06/2012 – Southeast Camper “Red, White and Blue” DOG

The theme for the gathering will be “All American Recipes”. Let’s celebrate our Independence and prepare dishes that our ancestors might have made. Maybe something from the 18th or 19th century. Recipes from Colonial America or the Antebellum South. What did great-grandma fix that was so GOOD, Good O’l Southern Country Cooking at its finest or Soul Food as it is called these days.

We will meet at Kings Mountain State Park, South Carolina. We will be at Shelter No 1 for a Meet ‘n’ Greet around 9 AM. Cast Iron Group Meal at 4 pm. This shelter has a fireplace for those who wish to hearth cook with wood coals or would like to learn. I will show you how.

Be sure and say “Hello” to the folks that work at the park, they take good care of us.

07/27/2013 – 7th Annual Mile High DOG

The Mile High Dutch Oven Gathering at the Mile High Campground near Maggie Valley, North Carolina fills up fast. This is becoming the grand daddy of DOG’s on the east coast.

We will escape the summer heat and enjoy some cool mountain air while cooking and camping with friends. There will be three International Dutch Oven Society Chapters cooking along with guest. Join the Cracker Trail Chapter (Florida), Middle Tennessee Chapter and Southeast Camper for a Cast Iron Black Pot Weekend.

For more information – Mile High Blogspot

09/28/2013 – Lake Norman or somewhere else in the area?

The shelter we were at last year was nice and big. Even though we had a small group, the big shelter saved us from a torrential downpour. We still had a good time.

The campground is primitive and small for those with larger trailers, etc. The KOA up the road in Statesville is a good location, but it is small and does not have a shelter. We will plan on being at Lake Norman like we did last year unless we come across something else before then.

10/19/2013 – 10th Annual National Dutch Oven Gathering

Hot Springs, Arkansas – DeGray Lake Resort State Park for more information National Dutch Oven Gathering 2013

This is the Big Boy of Dutch Oven Gatherings where folks from all over the country will meet. This DOG is more of a Cook Off, nonetheless, just as much fun. Camp Master and Kay will be making the trek. If anyone would like to caravan cross country with us, let us know.

11/09/2013 – Southeast Camper Freeze Dog

Last year we tossed this Dutch Oven Gathering together at the last minute so we could cook together one last time before Thanksgiving and Christmas. We had a warmer than normal temperatures making it nice. This is another one we would like to do, but will need to schedule early to secure a shelter with a fireplace. We will hold the Freeze DOG at Kings Mountain State Park in South Carolina. Again let us know if you are interested.

Please add your thoughts and suggestions to the comment section of this blog post or in the forum. We know some the dates are way out there, but we need time to get shelters and camp sites, etc.

As always, Guests are Welcome. Just getting started? A Dutch Oven Gathering is an excellent way to learn, we are here to help. Bring your Recipes and Gear for a Country Cooking Cast Iron Buffet.

For more information about “What is a Dutch Oven Gathering?”

Donations to cover shelter cost would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your interest and as we look forward to a Wonderful Cast Iron Year. Do not let the year pass you by. Join Us for a DOG.

For more Dutch Oven Gatherings around the country, Visit

Hope to see everyone real soon

Southeast Camper Dutch Oven Group

Farm Fresh Demo and Freeze DOG 2012

The Southeast Camper Dutch Oven Group has been going strong since we received the news last spring that we were an Official International Dutch Oven Society Chapter.

We have had a great time at the following Dutch Oven Gatherings in 2012:

  • 1st Annual Southeast Camper Spring Dutch Oven Gathering, Kings Mountain in April
  • Red, White and Blue Summer Dutch Oven Gathering, Kings Mountain in July
  • Mile High Dutch Oven Gathering, Maggie Valley in July
  • Southeast Camper Fall Dutch Oven Gathering, Lake Norman in September

This has kept us very busy and we are not done yet.

We have been invited to do a Dutch Oven Demonstration at the Farm Fresh Marketplace in Salisbury, North Carolina.

Jon Barber, the owner of the Farm Fresh Marketplace will be having a Food Day / Anniversary Celebration on October 27, 2012 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

The Food Day Celebration will held at 3402 South Main Street Salisbury, NC 28147.

Here’s a link for more information. My Farm Fresh Marketplace

This demonstration will give us a chance to meet others and show them what the Southeast Camper Dutch Oven Group and the International Dutch Oven Society is all about.

Let me know if you would be interested in helping with the demo.

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What’s Cooking?

How do we know when its done?
We use the smell test.
When it smells done, its done.
When it smells burnt, its burnt
When you can't smell it,
its not done.
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