Southeast Camper Dutch Oven Group

Dutch Oven Gatherings, Outdoor Campfire Cooking & Camping

Kings Mtn Dutch Oven Gathering Kings Mtn Dutch Oven Gathering

Kings Mtn Dutch Oven Gathering 10/09/10

Southeast Camper will be hosting a Dutch Oven Gathering at Kings Mountain State Park in South Carolina on 10/09/10. We will be in Shelter Area “B” at Shelter No. 5. The shelter is at the end of Crawford Lake Rd. (See link to map)

We will start around 10:00 with a Meet’n’Greet and an early lunch. The cooks should plan on bringing all the items necessary for your lunch and recipes. Please plan your time accordingly for the group supper at 5 pm, if you plan to visit other areas of the park.

We will share food and recipes at the gathering with our new friends and the old pros for a day of outdoor fun. This is the time for the seasoned camp chef to help the new Dutch Oven cooks with techniques and tell a few tall tales.

Visit Southeast Camper’s Forum for updates. Please join the forum and let us know if you’re coming to cook with us or stopping by to visit, All are Welcome and we look forward to seeing you.

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Cane Creek Dutch Oven Gathering

We had a great time at the Cane Creek Campground in Waxhaw, NC. The Dutch Oven Gathering turned out better than any of us could have expected. We had 4 cooks total, along with guest eager to see what was for dinner and to learn the Art of Dutch Oven Cooking. We had folks from both North and South Carolina. Some camped out with us for the weekend, while others came to spend the day. We’re sure everyone learned something new and walked away feeling good having made new friends.

Dutch Oven Cooking

The recipes that we put together were fantastic, Meat Loaf, Chicken Pot Pie, Enchilada Casserole, Beef Stew and much more. We had 9 dishes to sample and each and everyone was very good.

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What’s Cooking?

How do we know when its done?
We use the smell test.
When it smells done, its done.
When it smells burnt, its burnt
When you can't smell it,
its not done.
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