Spring is here or is it?
It’s funny how life takes you on a journey that keeps you very busy, Work, Chores, Kids, and Family. Before you know it months have passed and you did not take care of some of your favorite things: “Southeast Camper” “Dutch Oven Cooking” “Camping” just to mention a few.
We started 2020 off real nice at Andrew Jackson State Park with The Cabin Fever Dutch Oven Gathering. We had nice weather with cooler temperatures, but overall, it was a GREAT day with Friends and Fellow Dutch Oven Enthusiast.
The Southeast Camper Dutch Oven Group was going to have a Dutch Oven Cooking Demonstration at the Lodge Factory Outlet Store in Concord, NC, but that has been canceled.
Then we started looking forward to our next adventure at The 2 State Dutch Oven Gathering by joining with The Capital City Dutch Oven Group (Raleigh, NC) and The Old Dominion Iron Chefs (Richmond, VA) at Jordan Lake for our annual trek on the last weekend in March.
Now with COVID-19 looming all around, all State Parks have been closed and we are now in a holding pattern and the way things are looking the Southeast Camper Spring DOG at Kings Mountain State Park is not looking good.
We will need to plan for the future, even though we do not know what the future holds for us, be safe and take care of yourself and your family. We will update you on any changes.
Dan Milam Southeast Camper Dutch Oven Group
Southeast Camper is busy!
Wow, Spring is here and we are off and running. We’ve had our “Cabin Fever DOG” in February at Andrew Jackson State Park, SC. This is where we get together with long-lost friends that we have not seen since last fall. Many of us have new toys to show off and recipes from new cookbooks that we got for Christmas.
The weather was perfect at the “Cabin Fever DOG”. It started off a little nippy and overcast, but lo and behold, the sun came out and life was good. As usual, we ate too much, but that didn’t matter as we were camping nearby, so it was not far to go back to our campsite, build a fire and spend more time with friends and family.
We meet up with the Capital City Dutch Oven Group (Raleigh, NC) and the Old Dominion Iron Chefs (Richmond, VA) at Jordan Lake State Park for The NC-VA 2 State DOG which is becoming one of our more popular Dutch oven gatherings. The weather was great, which was real nice as this Dutch Oven Gathering seems to have more rain than usual.
We’ve been a little slow on writing up a new article for the Southeast Camper website. We have since had the Southeast Camper Dutch Oven Gathering Spring DOG, traveled to Georgia for the Peach State Dutch Oven Group Spring Gathering and planning what is next. It seems as though we never stop.
Our Dutch Oven Gatherings average about 35 – 50 cooks ’n’ guest with about 25+ black pots on the table, ranging from Meatloaf to Green Beans. Our cooks have gotten good at desserts, putting out specials like Banana Pudding Cake, Peanut Butter Bacon Cookies and many more.
We do not have memberships, just show up , put a black pot on the table and enjoy the company. We are a laid back easy-going group. The only pressure is what you put on yourself.
Visit a Dutch Oven Gathering near you.
Thanks for stopping by:
Dan “Southeast Camper”