Southeast Camper Dutch Oven Group
2014 Year End Thoughts
What a great year for the Southeast Camper Dutch Oven Group. We had really great weather for the gatherings this year and we hope it keeps going into 2015.
Our group has grown over the last few years from 3 to as many as 30 to 40 folks joining us to cook. I’d like to thank everyone that helped make the Southeast Camper Dutch Oven Group a good time.
The Southeast Camper Dutch Oven Group was represented all over the country this year. We had representatives at the National Dutch Oven Gathering in Iowa, East Coast Dutch Oven Gathering in Pennsylvania as well as the Mile High Dutch Oven Gathering in North Carolina.
We already have several Dutch Oven Gatherings scheduled for the new year starting with our Chili DOG, February 7th and the NC VA 2 State DOG at the end of March 29th.
We had a large turnout for the Southeast Camper Spring DOG and plenty of food to satisfy any appetite.
We will be back at Kings Mountain State Park on the last Saturday in April.
Stay tuned for more.
Dan & Katherine