Southeast Camper Dutch Oven Group

Dutch Oven Gatherings, Outdoor Campfire Cooking & Camping

Kings Mtn Dutch Oven Gathering Kings Mtn Dutch Oven Gathering

Mile High Dutch Oven Gathering 2011

We had a great time at the Mile High Dutch Oven Gathering (always the last Saturday in July). We started out with a little rain on Friday, but it cleared up to make one of the nicest weekends we’ve seen all summer. It was cool compared to the Foothills and Piedmont of North Carolina. We got to see some old friends and make some new ones. We had some experienced cooks visting us for the first time along with beginners. Wow!, It was fun!

We gathered Saturday morning for breakfast which always turns out to be a major feast. There was something for everyone. The mountain air will help anyone’s appetite.

Mountain Man Breakfast

Mountain Man Breakfast

Breakfast is Served

Breakfast is Served

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How to Camp – An Ultimate Beginner’s Guide

Now I know what you are telling yourself…..I would really like to camp, it looks fun but I have no idea how to camp, what to bring or what to expect. There are a few things that you really have to determine before you can figure out what you need to do to get ready for your camping trip.  Answering the following basic questions will guide you to finding your footing.

1.  What type of camping have you decided to do?  Did you want to RV camp?  Camper/Trailer camp?  Tent camp?  Backpack/Hike camp?  Canoe/kayak camp? 

Determining the type of camping you want to do can aid you in what sort of equipment and expertise is needed.  For example, you would need a vastly different sort of equipment for RV camping versus hiking camping.

Camping descriptions:

RV Camping (or recreational vehicle camping) is most like living at home because you bring a furnished vehicle that you basically live in with you.  You can make your RV just as comfy as you like.  Everything that you need from home can most likely be brought with you in your RV.  All you really need to think about are what foods and personal items you would like to stock it with.  This type of camping is generally for the people who do not like to “rough it” but also might like to be social since many times RV are parked fairly near each other or in similar sections.  Though there are some normal maintenance items with RVs, you basically park them and live in them.

Camper or Trailer camping is just a step more rugged than RV camping.  Many times campers or trailers do not have showers or toilets, unlike most RVs.  Depending on the camper or trailer, a refrigerator may not be included either.  Generally, camper or trailer camping is more for people who do not like to sleep on the ground or worry about severe weather but still want to get out there.

Tent camping is generally more for people who would like to “rough it.”  Tent camping requires you to think about all of your basic needs ahead of time (food, hygiene, restroom requirements, shelter, seeing at night, warmth).  There are actually varying levels of tent camping as well.  Some people like to bring a tent and shop for all of their needs while others like to camp in more remote areas away from people.  Packing for a tent camping trip can be time consuming because you have to think of everything you might need.

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What’s Cooking?

How do we know when its done?
We use the smell test.
When it smells done, its done.
When it smells burnt, its burnt
When you can't smell it,
its not done.
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